About Us

The Aboriginal Health Initiative was formed in 1993 in response to the growing recognition of the sexual and reproductive health disparity between Aboriginal people and the rest of Canada. In 2005, the SOGC established Aboriginal Health as one of our key pillars in our Strategic Directions for 2006-2011.

The SOGC is pleased to continue implementation of the strategic objectives in Aboriginal Health, and to provide liaison, leadership and collaboration with our external partners. The coordinators of this Initiative, Ms. Alisha Nicole Apale and Ms. Nicole Robinson, are working hard to ensure we meet our objectives. AHI brochure

Working with the dedicated members of the Aboriginal Heath Initiative (AHI) Committee and in collaboration with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations, our aim is to advance culturally safe health and healing for Aboriginal women through education, partnerships and community initiatives, and leadership and advocacy.

Our Coordinators welcome all inquires and expressions of interest. We extend an invitation to all women's health care professionals, partners, sponsors, stakeholders and Aboriginal women, their families and communities to become more familiar with our Initiative as well as the SOGC's reference materials, information and guidelines for Aboriginal health.

Aboriginal Health Initiative Brochure